NINJAL Corpus Portal- Japanese NINJAL

Bibliographical Information

The bibliographical information included with the Paid edition of the BCCWJ is offered in the following categories.

  • Bibliographical information data (Bibliography.txt)
    Information related to the original sources the samples were taken from.
  • Sample Information data (Sample_info.txt)
    Information on the Sample IDs and acquisition methods.
  • Directory Data (Directory.txt)
    Information on the authors and copyright holders of samples.
  • Article Information Data (Article.txt)
    Information on the authors of sections of articles, and their first appearances.
  • Sample ID-based bilbliographic information data
    Bilbiographical information based on the Sample IDs outputted by "Chuunagon". The following sections will give an outline of the organization of the above information.

* Reference: Maruyama, Yamazaki, Kashino et al. (2011). Applications of principles of data sampling for the BCCWJ., Proceedings of the 2010 Special "Japanese Language Corpus" research group.

Bibliographical Information Data (Bibliography.txt)

Data relating to the bilbliographical information (in Bibliography.txt) on the original texts samples were extracted from is presented as in the 15 examples in table 8-1.

Organization of Bibliographical Information Data

1 Bibliographical ID (Bib_ID) The ID assigned to the original text the sample was taken from.
2 Title Title of the original text.
3 Subtitle Subtitle(s) of the original text.
4 Number Number of the original text.
5 Author Information (Bib_author) Information RE: those responsible for the original text (e.g. author, editor, editor-in-chief, etc.)
6 Publisher Publisher (or publishing company) of the original text.
7 Year Year of publication of the original text.
8 ISBN ISBN of the original text.
9 Format (Size) The size of the original text.
10 Page Count (Pages) The number of pages in the original text.
11 Genre (1) Information related to the genre of the original text (1).
12 Genre (2) Information related to the genre of the original text (2).
13 Genre (3) Information related to the genre of the original text (3).
14 Genre (4) Information related to the genre of the original text (4).
15 Author ID An ID number assigned to those responsible for the original work.

 The table in the link below gives illustrations of the different types of bibliographical information given. It is presented in 15 tab-delimited columns. A "-" in a tab indicates that no information of that type is given for the media in question.

Bibliographical Information Data Examples

Sample Information Data (Sample_info.txt)

Data related to sampling information of the original text (in Sample_info.txt) includes sample IDs and information related to acquisition methods, as shown in the five examples in table 8-3.

Organization of Sampling Information Data

1 Sample ID (Sample_ID) Unique ID assigned to the sample.
2 Bibliographical ID (Bib_ID) ID assigned to the original text the sample was extracted from.
3 Sample extraction page reference (Sampling_page) The page the sample was taken from.
4 Sample extraction point coordinates (Sampling_point) The coordinates the sample was taken starting from.

Sampling Information Data examples can be found in table 8-4.

"Sampling Information Data" Examples

Media Sample_ID Bib_ID Sampling _page Sampling_point
Publications: Books PB10_00047 BK_20205918 163 5D
Journals/Magazines PM11_00053 PM_10550109 76 9F
Newspapers PN1a_00013 PN_01010225 4 6C
Library: Books LBa1_00004 BK_86049602 230 2H
White Papers OW6X_00009 WR_00000066 285 4C
Textbooks OT01_00008 TB_01000002 31 8A
PR Documents OP00_00001 PR_01103001 - -
Bestsellers OB0X_00001 BK_75079014 358 4D
Yahoo! Answers OC01_00001 YC_00297514 - -
Yahoo! Blogs OY01_00005 YB_00010571 - -
Poems OV0X_00001 VE_00010001 - -
Legal Documents OL3X_00072 LA_H01HO058 - -
Mintes of the National Diet OM11_00001 MD_80010001 - -

Directory Data (Directory.txt)

 The directory information (in Directory.txt) is made up of the information regarding author and organization names (such as the author themselves, the editor, editor-in-chief, etc.) found in the "Author Information" (Bib_author) fields of the bibliographical data file (Bibliography.txt), as well as the names of the actual authors of the individual sections of an article. The data is organized as shown in the table below.

Organization of Directory Data

1 Directory ID (Directory_ID) Unique ID number assigned to the author or organization responsible for the work.
2 Name (Name) The name of the author or organizations respondible for the work.
3 Sex The gender of the author.
4 Birth Year Decade of birth of the author.

An example of directory information is found in the following table.

"Directory Data" Examples

Directory_ID Name Sex BirthYear
634 Aida Yuuji M 1910
98948 Antonio Inoki M 1940
153494 Mure Youko F 1950
840303 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Labour Standards Bureau

258003 Kodansha

2502212 NHK "Project X" production team

Article Information Data (Article.txt)

 The article information data (in Article.txt) aims to give information related to the actual author of the "Articles" contained in each sample, as well as giving the dates of their first appearance. The data is organized as shown in the table below.

1 Sample ID (Sample_ID) A unique ID number given to each sample.
2 Article ID (Article_ID) A unique ID number given to each article.
3 Directory ID (Directory_ID) Unique ID number assigned to the actual author of each article.
4 Role The role of the listed author (e.g. actual author, author, or translator)
5 Information on First Appearance Gives the date of the first appearance of the work.
6 Information on First Publication Gives the date of the first publication of the work.

Examples of article information data can be found in the following table.

"Article Information Data" Examples

Sample_ID Article_ID Directory_ID Role First_appearance First_published
LBa0_00002 LBa0_00002_V001 59986 実著者 1984 1986
LBq1_00026 LBq1_00026_F003 262756 実著者 2000-2001 2002
LBa1_00006 LBa1_00006_V001 459606 原著者 1986  
LBa1_00006 LBa1_00006_V001 108831 翻訳者 1986  
PB12_00059 PB12_00059_V001 189710 実著者 n.d.-n.d. 2001
PM11_00289 PM11_00289_F002 0 実著者 2001  
PN1a_00004 PN1a_00004_V003 256908 実著者 2001  

Please note that article information data is only give for the "Book", "Journal/magazine" and "Newspaper" registers.


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