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UniDic for Contemporary Written Japanese unidic_bccwj

A dictionary for analysis to analyse contemporary written text automatically in Short Unit Words. You can use it to analyse text, such as for the following:

Books, magazines, newspapers, white papers, certified textbooks, public relations papers, Web bulletin boards, poems, rhymes, legal documents, and Diet minutes, etc. など

When publicising the results of a study conducted using this dictionary for analysis, clearly state this fact. Refer to the literature in the references as needed.

Lexicon Size (UTF-8)

GPL v2.0/LGPL v2.1/New BSD


Old versions

参考文献 (References)
UniDic for Contemporary Spoken Japanese unidic_csj

This is a dictionary for automated analysis of Short Unit Word transcribed text of modern spoken words. The “Corpus of Everyday Japanese Conversation (CEJC)” is used for learning, so it can be used to analyse the text according to the transcription criteria.

Criteria for transcribing CEJC can be found in the following literature:

  • 臼田泰如, 川端良子, 西川賢哉, 徳永弘子, 小磯花絵: 『日本語日常会話コーパス』の転記基準について, 言語処理学会第23回年次大会発表論文集, pp.174-177 (2017).
  • 川端良子, 川端 良子, 臼田 泰如, 西川 賢哉, 徳永 弘子, 小 磯 花絵: 「日常会話コーパス」の転記基準と作業工程, 言語資源活用ワークショップ2016予稿集, pp.296-306 (2017).

When publicising the results of a study conducted using this dictionary for analysis, clearly state this fact. Refer to the literature references as needed.

Lexicon size (UTF-8)

GPL v2.0/LGPL v2.1/New BSD


Old versions

参考文献 (References)
  • 岡 照晃: 「言語研究のための電子化辞書」, コーパスと辞書, 講座 日本語コーパス 7, pp.1-28, 朝倉書店 (2019).
  • Yasuharu Den, Junpei Nakamura, Toshinobu Ogiso, Hideki Ogura. A Proper Approach to Japanese Morphological Analysis: Dictionary, Model, and Evaluation, In Proceedings of the sixth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2008), pp.1019-1024 (2008).
古文用UniDicS (UniDic for Historical Japanese) unidic_chj
